(832) 643-4605

Plastic Recycling

Our company provides plastic recycling services of both post-industrial and post-commercial materials throughout Houston and other areas in the U.S. We recycle all grades of plastic and purchase plastic scrap in any shape or form (bales, regrinds, repro pellets, virgin resin, powder, purges/lumps)

Learn and Discover our Plastic Recycling Services

We are always looking for long term suppliers of recycled plastics in different forms such as baled material, regrinds, repro pellets, virgin resin, powder, purges/lumps, among other recyclables such as cardboard and paper.



Materials we buy

Prime Momento buys the following materials:

  • PET pellets, regrind, fiber, purges/lumps and bales
  • HDPE pellets, regrind, powder, film, purges/lumps and bales
  • PVC rigid or flexible pellets, regrind, powder, and bales
  • LDPE pellets, regrind, purges/lumps and bales
  • Polypropylene copolymer/ homopolymer pellets, regrind, purges/lumps and bales
  • Polystyrene pellets, regrind, blocks, and bales
  • Other engineering grades: ABS, PC, PC/ABS, PEX, XLPE, Nylon (PA), Acrylic ( PMMA)

We do not accept: Any plastic material with contaminants or other residuals such as wood, Styrofoam, rubber, liquid, paint, grease. Old plastic that has deteriorated from sun or weather exposure, or has excessive amount of debris (sand, rocks, dirt, etc.) or moisture residue.


Materials we sell

Our company sells the following materials:

  • PET flakes
  • HDPE fractional melt
  • HDPE injection grade
  • Engineering grade plastic ( ABS,PC, PC/ABS, Nylon, PS )


Please send us all the detailed information such as:

a) Detailed description and specifications of the materials you are selling or buying
b) Pictures
c) Prices
d) Company information and contact person

You can e-mail us your offers at info@primemomento.com

We have a warehouse facility in Wharton, Texas and packaging/manufacturing plants in Mexico.

